DHTML eXtensions - professional AJAX components for advanced Web UI.

dhtmlxCombo is a cross-browser JavaScript combobox with autocomplete feature. It extends basic selectbox functionality to meet the requirements of the most up-to-date web applications. dhtmlxCombo can be converted from existing HTML SELECT or populated with JavaScript. Supporting AJAX, it also can get list values from server datasource dynamically.

Live demo

Editable mode:
Read-only mode:
Filtering mode: (filter existing list)
Autocomplete mode:
(start typing to load convenient country names from server)

Combobox with icons:

dhtmlxCombo can be used in four modes: editable select box – user can either select a value from the list or type a custom value; read-only select box – user can select just one value from associated list of choices; filter – the whole list is loaded on the client-side and as user begins to type, the list is updated with the appropriate values (which contain or begin from typed characters); autocomplete – the list is loaded and shown as user types in input box.

Like other dhtmlx components, dhtmlxCombo provides complete Javascript API to give developers enough possibilities to control its state and behavior.


Standard - available for free download (to use under GPL) or under Commercial or Enterprise License (to use in commercial application and get support).

new v.1.2 is available
Home | Features

    main features

  • Common events system implemented
  • Optimized existing functionality.

  Customers say

After searching for various kind of javascript libraries, I decided to use yours. You have really done good job.
Deniz Secilir